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Get to know us

who we are?

 Who we are

Meet Grant & Celeste, the Visionaries & Founders behind Project This Is Me. Both together & individually they are career High Achievers & Pioneers. 


Grant & Celeste have humble beginnings in Sports and Fitness. Both having competed & found personal motivation, success, & purpose in Fitness Competitions, Weight Training, Elite level Sports & the World of Fitness Industry


Together their Accolades & accomplishments 

span the dimensions of multiple Big 10 Championships while playing football at Ohio State, a WWE World Championship, Visionary Culture Creation within highly successful Business Ventures, Entrepreneurship, Innovative & first-to-market Product design & Invention, State of the Art Fitness Training and Body Optimization, to now Transformational Life Coaching, Personal & Business Relationship Consulting & Speaking. 

Grant dziak

After Grant’s Ohio State Career & accomplishments, he became a coveted and sought-after Fitness Trainer & Coach over an 8-year journey of learning and shaping his knowledge, capabilities, and strengths in helping people achieve optimal health and fitness. 


At the same time, he found wild success consulting in the captivating, fast pace & high demand world of the service industry. Here he began cultivating & refining his unique understanding of the physiology behind human behavior & creating unbelievable settings and environments for people to feel something MORE. 


Through his experiences navigating a diverse catalog of the human psyche, he realized that there was something missing. 


The lost arts of relating to people, honoring real values & ethics and respect. 


This dichotomy of work in the realms physical and emotional transformation is where his message and mission were truly born.


Eventually fitness became the Trojan horse that would allow his deeper and more powerful message to be born into the world as a powerful cataclysm of awakening for himself & others. 

grant's Instagram



Celeste Bonin

After Celeste’s short but potent WWE Career, she stepped into the world of entrepreneurship as a clothing designer and business owner. She invented a highly coveted and unique design in women’s leggings that became an industry craze nearly overnight. The “Bootyscrunch” Legging was designed to hug a women’s curves in all the right places- for an extra boost of confidence. 


Celeste graced the cover of fitness magazines and online features as an ex-WWE diva turned entrepreneur. She also began consulting for high level influencers and athletes looking to create their own rich legacies. 


Through most of her 20’s, she chased the pursuit of worldly metrics of success, meaning and purpose while finding herself wildly empty & unfulfilled on the inside.  


She started to understand that her message and mission in this world were being shaped by these valuable experiences & lessons. In her heart, she knew that there had to be something more to this life. 

celeste's instagram

Grant & Celeste met at a Mastermind in Arizona in 2019. They both left with a knowingness inside of them that their lives were about to be profoundly changed forever. 


Their relationship became a commitment to mastery of themselves, their union & mission.


Project This is Me was born in the early months of 2021 and evolved vastly through iteration after iteration until it became what it is today.


A place for people who are hungry for meaning, purpose, joy, fulfillment, commitment, mastery, Legacy & a life well lived. 


They believe that everyone deserves to love the life they live and to live a life they love.

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